Green Is Closed - Significant Damage by Tropical Storm Helene
We are very Sad
East Coast Challenge - May 2023 was a huge success Team Picture =========>
Check out the Blog menu for all the latest happenings at Asheville lawn bowling club.

It's a whole new game!!
The new 120 foot synthetic carpet was installed over the summer of 2018. The green runs a 16-17 sec. over 90 feet and offers a true draw experience.
See Gallery tab for more photos of construction.
What is lawn bowling?
How do you play?
It's simple -- get your BOWLS as close as possible to your target called the JACK (little white ball). The challenge is that the bowls naturally curl so you need to aim right or left (see diagram) and then roll the bowls with just the right amount of force to get them to stop close to the jack. Play the curl like putting on a slope in golf.
Embrace the challenge. Easy to learn. A lifetime to enjoy.
Each spring and fall
a lawn bowling course is offered through the
OLLI program
at UNC-Asheville.
Watch for it.
Annual membership only $60. Includes club dues and
national membership.
Below is a diagram of a rink (alley).
Eight games can be played on the green.

Are lawn bowling and bocce the same thing?
They are cousins and both belong to the same family as bull riding and free climbing.
...Just kidding.
A bocce court is 91x13 ft. A lawn bowling green is 120 ft square.
In bocce, balls are round and roll straight.
Lawn bowls are round on the running surface but elliptical on the sides. That’s what makes the bowls curl (no hand spin like in 10-pin bowling).
In bocce you toss the bowls like in softball.
Lawn bowls are gently rolled. Zen out.
See video below for introduction.
New to lawn bowls? Start here.
"It's chess on grass." (lots of strategy)
"It's like curling without the sweepers."
"If lawn bowls was easy, it'd be called bocce."
Bowls: The un-X sport.
- In a rush-rush world, slow down and lawn bowl. 82% of bowlers drive home more slowly than on way to work.
- Decrease stress. Improve sanity and balance. Chill.
-Women can beat the pulp out of men.
- Improve geometry skills!! ... Wow. A game that requires a brain!
How many on a team?
You can play games of singles, pairs, triples, even four on a team if you want.
In team games, one player is designated the skip like in curling.
Learn to Bowl
In addition to the links below, click here to find more videos, tips and fun stuff.